Baharudin Shamsuddin
Adnan Othman
Norfazida Abdul Karim
Adnan Othman
Kasuma Bakery telah menyusun fungsi dan bertanggungjawab untuk melicinkan pengurusan perniagaan.
6.2.1 Pengurus / Pemilik
Ø Bertanggungjawab keatas segala pengurusan perniagaan.
Ø Mengatur system kerja yang teratur.
Ø Mengatur perjalanan Syarikat supaya sentiasa stabil, berjalan lancar untuk mencapai keuntungan. Dalam semua aktiviti perbelanjaan, pengurusan untung rugi Syarikat.
Ø Menyediakan kek/roti dan lain-lain seperti resepi yang disediakan agar dapat mengikut sukatan yang ditetapkan.
Ø Menerima tempahan seperti majlis harijadi, ulangtahun perkahwinan dan majlis-majlis lain.
Ø Untuk memastikan supaya Syarikat memberi perkhidmatan teratur serta hasil pengeluaran ‘Bersih, Suci & Berkualiti”.
6.2.2 Bahagian Pemasaran
Ø Mengenalpasti peluang-peluang yang ada terdapat dalam pasaran.
Ø Memilih peluang-peluang yang sesuai berdasarkan kemampuan dan objektif Syarikat.
Ø Mencari, mengkaji serta mendapatkan pasaran.
Ø Keperluan
6.2.3 Bahagian Kewangan
Ø Memastikan kedudukan kewangan dengan tepat dan betul.
Ø Mengawal kewangan supaya perbelanjaan yang dikeluarkan tidak berlebihan.
6.2.4 Juruwang
Ø Bertanggungjawab menjaga, mengurus wang terima dan keluar.
Ø Membantu mengurus permintaan para pelanggan.
Ø Menerima tempahan daripada para pelanggan.
6.2.5 Operasi
Ø Bertanggungjawab menyediakan produk untuk dijual maupun tempahan.
Ø Mengurus bahagian dapur seperti kebersihan.
Ø Bekerja dengan cekap dan pantas serta berkualiti agar dapat memenuhi pengeluaran.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
membuka perniagaan bakerry? SAMBUNGAN..
Di antara aktiviti-aktiviti utama yang dijalankan oleh Syarikat adalah :-
- Pembuatan, menjual, mengedar dan menerima tempahan
- Menjual produk kek, roti, biskut, pizza, pastri, kuih-muih,
makanan sejukbeku, kek perkahwinan dan hantaran.
- Mengedar produk ke pasaran luar seperti ke sekolah-sekolah,
institusi pengajian tinggi, kafé, kedai runcit , kilang-kilang, katering,
dan stesen minyak.
- Menjual terus kepada pelanggan melalui walk in di kedai
- Menyediakan perkhidmatan penghantaran ke rumah dalam 4km
- Menyediakan tempat kursus/latihan memasak bersama tenaga pengajar
bertauliah serta mengutamakan pelajaran secara praktikal
- Menyediakan pelbagai jenis roti, kek, pastri dan lain-lain
- Produk yang dijual bersih dan berkualiti
- Berdasarkan kepada analisis dan kajian pasaran yang dirangka, perniagaan ini berpotensi besar untuk berkembang di sekitar 20 % hingga 30 % setahun. Oleh kerana ia masih berada ditahap awal perkembangan, ia mempunyai potensi yang besar dan luas untuk dikembangkan di masa hadapan
- Keyakinan ini berlandaskan fakta iaitu hanya segelintir bumiputera menceburi perniagaan ini sedangkan banyak permintaan yang menghendaki perniagaan sebegini dijalankan oleh golongan bumiputera. Dalam erti kata lain “more demand than supply”.
- Dengan ekonomi Negara yang menunjukkan perkembangan positif turut menjana kepada peningkatan hasil jualan. Pemulihan ekonomi negara ini telah secara langsung merangsang pembangunan sosio ekonomi Puchong Utama.
- Puchong Utama ditakrifkan sebagai kawasan perdagangan komersial yang terletak bersebelahan dengan Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP), kawasan persekolahan, pejabat swasta, pejabat kerajaan (Jab. Pendaftaran Negara), kawasan industri kecil dan taman perumahan yang sedia ada serta di dalam pembinaan. Dengan pertambahan kawasan perumahan ini mampu meningkatkan lagi saiz pasaran.
- Melalui pembiayaan modal yang diberi akan dapat menjalankan perniagaan yang lebih baik dan berdaya saing dengan syarikat lain.
Rancangan pengurusan adalah sangat penting dalam membangunkan perniagaan. Struktur organisasi yang dirangka adalah merangkumi keseluruhan aspek pengurusan sebagai sebuah identiti perniagaan.
Secara keseluruhannya, struktur organisasi bagi perniagaan ini mempunyai pecahan kerja dan tanggungjawab tugasan yang diberi.
Di antara aktiviti-aktiviti utama yang dijalankan oleh Syarikat adalah :-
- Pembuatan, menjual, mengedar dan menerima tempahan
- Menjual produk kek, roti, biskut, pizza, pastri, kuih-muih,
makanan sejukbeku, kek perkahwinan dan hantaran.
- Mengedar produk ke pasaran luar seperti ke sekolah-sekolah,
institusi pengajian tinggi, kafé, kedai runcit , kilang-kilang, katering,
dan stesen minyak.
- Menjual terus kepada pelanggan melalui walk in di kedai
- Menyediakan perkhidmatan penghantaran ke rumah dalam 4km
- Menyediakan tempat kursus/latihan memasak bersama tenaga pengajar
bertauliah serta mengutamakan pelajaran secara praktikal
- Menyediakan pelbagai jenis roti, kek, pastri dan lain-lain
- Produk yang dijual bersih dan berkualiti
- Berdasarkan kepada analisis dan kajian pasaran yang dirangka, perniagaan ini berpotensi besar untuk berkembang di sekitar 20 % hingga 30 % setahun. Oleh kerana ia masih berada ditahap awal perkembangan, ia mempunyai potensi yang besar dan luas untuk dikembangkan di masa hadapan
- Keyakinan ini berlandaskan fakta iaitu hanya segelintir bumiputera menceburi perniagaan ini sedangkan banyak permintaan yang menghendaki perniagaan sebegini dijalankan oleh golongan bumiputera. Dalam erti kata lain “more demand than supply”.
- Dengan ekonomi Negara yang menunjukkan perkembangan positif turut menjana kepada peningkatan hasil jualan. Pemulihan ekonomi negara ini telah secara langsung merangsang pembangunan sosio ekonomi Puchong Utama.
- Puchong Utama ditakrifkan sebagai kawasan perdagangan komersial yang terletak bersebelahan dengan Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP), kawasan persekolahan, pejabat swasta, pejabat kerajaan (Jab. Pendaftaran Negara), kawasan industri kecil dan taman perumahan yang sedia ada serta di dalam pembinaan. Dengan pertambahan kawasan perumahan ini mampu meningkatkan lagi saiz pasaran.
- Melalui pembiayaan modal yang diberi akan dapat menjalankan perniagaan yang lebih baik dan berdaya saing dengan syarikat lain.
Rancangan pengurusan adalah sangat penting dalam membangunkan perniagaan. Struktur organisasi yang dirangka adalah merangkumi keseluruhan aspek pengurusan sebagai sebuah identiti perniagaan.
Secara keseluruhannya, struktur organisasi bagi perniagaan ini mempunyai pecahan kerja dan tanggungjawab tugasan yang diberi.
membuka perniagaan bakerry?
ini contoh kertas kerja tersebut:
Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah S.W.T kerana dengan izin dan limpah kurnianya dapatlah kami menyiapkan Laporan Kertas Kerja Projek Cadangan bagi pengendalian sebuah kedai kek di lokasi yang telah dikenal pasti iaitu di Puchong Utama yang berpotensi untuk berdaya maju diusahakan.
Keusahawanan dewasa ini sering mendapat perhatian daripada pihak kerajaan. Pelbagai bentuk sokongan telah dan akan terus disediakan bagi menggalakkan bagi pertumbuhan usahawan khususnya bumiputera. MARA sebagai salah sebuah entity kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dalam pembangunan usahawan ini tidak terkecuali dalam menyediakan ruang peluang perniagaan.
Bagi kami bakal pengusaha perniagaan akan merebut peluang yang disediakan. Berasas dan berlandaskan keyakinan daripada pengalaman masing-masing. Pengusaha pertama En. Baharudin Shamsuddin, pengusaha kedua En. Adnan Othman dan pengusaha ketiga Puan Norfazida Abd Karim telah bersetuju untuk saling bekerjasama dalam membentuk satu perniagaan roti dan kek yang berbentuk perkongsian.
Bertitik tolak dari itu jugalah kesepakatan diperolehi dengan terhasilnya Rancangan Perniagaan ini. Rancangan perniagaan ini secara keseluruhannya adalah bertujuan untuk membentangkan Perancangan perniagaan kami, sekaligus memohon pembiayaan perniagaan yang diperlukan daripada pihak MARA. Rancangan Perniagaan yang diutarakan adalah meliputi aspek Pengurusan, Pemasaran, Perkhidmatan/Jualan serta Kewangan.
Syarikat perniagaan ini dikenali dengan nama ABC Bakery.
Perniagaan akan beroperasi di Puchong Utama, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Adalah menjadi hasrat kami untuk turut serta dalam menyumbang kepada perkembangan ekonomi negara yang sedang bergerak ke arah positif. Ia juga untuk menyahut seruan kerajaan di dalam mewujudkan Masyarakat Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Bumiputera.
Tujuan kertas kerja ini disediakan adalah untuk membentangkan perancangan perniagaan Kasuma Bakery yang meliputi aspek pengurusan, pemasaran, perkhidmatan dan kewangan kepada pihak MARA dan seterusnya memohon pembiayaan pinjaman yang berjumlah RM..... (Ringgit Malaysia Sahaja).
Tempoh pembiayaan adalah selama 5 tahun dan ABC Bakery turut memohon tempoh bernafas selama 6 bulan bagi tujuan pengstabilan perniagaan. Kos Pelaburan Projek adalah berjumlah RM................. yang mana sejumlah RM.................. adalah modal sendiri sementara baki RM.......... adalah melalui pinjaman yang dipohon.
Pembiayaan :-
Nilai Pembiayaan = RM ............................
Bayaran Balik Bulanan = RM ...................................
Bayaran Faedah = RM ......................sebulan
Kegunaan pembiayaan ini adalah diperuntukkan bagi :-
1. Belanja Permulaan RM .........................
2. Aset Tetap
Mesin Peralatan Bakeri/Utensil RM ..........................
Kelengkapan Pejabat/Latihan RM ............................
Hawa Dingin RM ......................
3. Belian Bekalan Mentah RM .......................
4. Belanja Pengurusan RM .........................
Jumlah keseluruhan RM ..........................
Nama Perniagaan : ABC Bakery
Alamat Berdaftar : No. 03 Jalan PU7/4
Puchong Utama, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Alamat Operasi / Kedai : Seperti di atas
No. Daftar Perniagaan :
Tarikh Pendaftaran : 13/09/2004
Aktiviti Perniagaan : Membuat, menjual, mengedar kek,
roti, pastrI, biskut, makanan sejukbeku,
pizza, kuih-muih dan kelas/bengkel memasak
Bentuk Perniagaan : Pembuatan dan Pengeluaran
Nama Pemilik : Baharudin Shamsuddin
No K/P :---------------
Adnan Othman
No K/P :---------------------
Norfazida Abdul Karim
No K/P : --------------------
Nama : Baharudin bin Shamsuddin
Jawatan : Pengurus Operasi
Alamat Tetap : no 15 Flat Sri junjung
USJ 16/7, 47620 Subang Jaya
Telefon : 03 -...........................
No. Kad Pengenalan : ..............................................
Tarikh Lahir/Umur : .......................................
Bangsa / Agama : Melayu / Islam
Taraf Perkahwinan : Berkahwin
Kelulusan Akademik : Ijazah Saujana Muda Seni Reka Grafik
Pengalaman Kerja : Pembuat roti
(2002 – kini)
Kursus Dihadiri : Latihan Pembentukan Usahawan MARA 2004
Lain-lain Kemahiran : Merekabentuk Grafik
Nama : Adnan bin Othman
Jawatan : Pengurus Pentadbiran / Pemasaran
Alamat Tetap : No: 199 Jln PU 10/6B
Taman Puchong Utama
47100 Puchong
Telefon : 03 - ..........................
No. Kad Pengenalan : .........................................
Tarikh Lahir/Umur : ....................................
Bangsa / Agama : Melayu / Islam
Taraf Perkahwinan : Bujang
Kelulusan Akademik : Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan
Pengalaman Kerja : Sektor perkilangan
(1997 – kini)
Kursus Dihadiri : Latihan Pembentukan Usahawan MARA 2004
Lain-lain kemahiran : Kerja-kerja teknikal & mekanikal
Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah S.W.T kerana dengan izin dan limpah kurnianya dapatlah kami menyiapkan Laporan Kertas Kerja Projek Cadangan bagi pengendalian sebuah kedai kek di lokasi yang telah dikenal pasti iaitu di Puchong Utama yang berpotensi untuk berdaya maju diusahakan.
Keusahawanan dewasa ini sering mendapat perhatian daripada pihak kerajaan. Pelbagai bentuk sokongan telah dan akan terus disediakan bagi menggalakkan bagi pertumbuhan usahawan khususnya bumiputera. MARA sebagai salah sebuah entity kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dalam pembangunan usahawan ini tidak terkecuali dalam menyediakan ruang peluang perniagaan.
Bagi kami bakal pengusaha perniagaan akan merebut peluang yang disediakan. Berasas dan berlandaskan keyakinan daripada pengalaman masing-masing. Pengusaha pertama En. Baharudin Shamsuddin, pengusaha kedua En. Adnan Othman dan pengusaha ketiga Puan Norfazida Abd Karim telah bersetuju untuk saling bekerjasama dalam membentuk satu perniagaan roti dan kek yang berbentuk perkongsian.
Bertitik tolak dari itu jugalah kesepakatan diperolehi dengan terhasilnya Rancangan Perniagaan ini. Rancangan perniagaan ini secara keseluruhannya adalah bertujuan untuk membentangkan Perancangan perniagaan kami, sekaligus memohon pembiayaan perniagaan yang diperlukan daripada pihak MARA. Rancangan Perniagaan yang diutarakan adalah meliputi aspek Pengurusan, Pemasaran, Perkhidmatan/Jualan serta Kewangan.
Syarikat perniagaan ini dikenali dengan nama ABC Bakery.
Perniagaan akan beroperasi di Puchong Utama, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Adalah menjadi hasrat kami untuk turut serta dalam menyumbang kepada perkembangan ekonomi negara yang sedang bergerak ke arah positif. Ia juga untuk menyahut seruan kerajaan di dalam mewujudkan Masyarakat Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Bumiputera.
Tujuan kertas kerja ini disediakan adalah untuk membentangkan perancangan perniagaan Kasuma Bakery yang meliputi aspek pengurusan, pemasaran, perkhidmatan dan kewangan kepada pihak MARA dan seterusnya memohon pembiayaan pinjaman yang berjumlah RM..... (Ringgit Malaysia Sahaja).
Tempoh pembiayaan adalah selama 5 tahun dan ABC Bakery turut memohon tempoh bernafas selama 6 bulan bagi tujuan pengstabilan perniagaan. Kos Pelaburan Projek adalah berjumlah RM................. yang mana sejumlah RM.................. adalah modal sendiri sementara baki RM.......... adalah melalui pinjaman yang dipohon.
Pembiayaan :-
Nilai Pembiayaan = RM ............................
Bayaran Balik Bulanan = RM ...................................
Bayaran Faedah = RM ......................sebulan
Kegunaan pembiayaan ini adalah diperuntukkan bagi :-
1. Belanja Permulaan RM .........................
2. Aset Tetap
Mesin Peralatan Bakeri/Utensil RM ..........................
Kelengkapan Pejabat/Latihan RM ............................
Hawa Dingin RM ......................
3. Belian Bekalan Mentah RM .......................
4. Belanja Pengurusan RM .........................
Jumlah keseluruhan RM ..........................
Nama Perniagaan : ABC Bakery
Alamat Berdaftar : No. 03 Jalan PU7/4
Puchong Utama, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Alamat Operasi / Kedai : Seperti di atas
No. Daftar Perniagaan :
Tarikh Pendaftaran : 13/09/2004
Aktiviti Perniagaan : Membuat, menjual, mengedar kek,
roti, pastrI, biskut, makanan sejukbeku,
pizza, kuih-muih dan kelas/bengkel memasak
Bentuk Perniagaan : Pembuatan dan Pengeluaran
Nama Pemilik : Baharudin Shamsuddin
No K/P :---------------
Adnan Othman
No K/P :---------------------
Norfazida Abdul Karim
No K/P : --------------------
Nama : Baharudin bin Shamsuddin
Jawatan : Pengurus Operasi
Alamat Tetap : no 15 Flat Sri junjung
USJ 16/7, 47620 Subang Jaya
Telefon : 03 -...........................
No. Kad Pengenalan : ..............................................
Tarikh Lahir/Umur : .......................................
Bangsa / Agama : Melayu / Islam
Taraf Perkahwinan : Berkahwin
Kelulusan Akademik : Ijazah Saujana Muda Seni Reka Grafik
Pengalaman Kerja : Pembuat roti
(2002 – kini)
Kursus Dihadiri : Latihan Pembentukan Usahawan MARA 2004
Lain-lain Kemahiran : Merekabentuk Grafik
Nama : Adnan bin Othman
Jawatan : Pengurus Pentadbiran / Pemasaran
Alamat Tetap : No: 199 Jln PU 10/6B
Taman Puchong Utama
47100 Puchong
Telefon : 03 - ..........................
No. Kad Pengenalan : .........................................
Tarikh Lahir/Umur : ....................................
Bangsa / Agama : Melayu / Islam
Taraf Perkahwinan : Bujang
Kelulusan Akademik : Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan
Pengalaman Kerja : Sektor perkilangan
(1997 – kini)
Kursus Dihadiri : Latihan Pembentukan Usahawan MARA 2004
Lain-lain kemahiran : Kerja-kerja teknikal & mekanikal
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• Make money blogging• Make money with Google Adwords • Make money with google adsense• Make money doing online surveys• Make money with your own website• Make money on eBay• Make money with affiliate programs
• Make money typing at homeWhat I have found over the last few years of research is that the simplest way to make money online is to copy others who are already making money online successfully. They have learned what works through their own mistakes, so why not take a short cut and follow what they do? Here are my top 4 proven make money online businessesSimply click here
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Free Make Money EbookThe free ebook ‘How To Make Money Online Easily’ explains step-by-step all the basics so that is a good place to start. To download your copy simply click on the book cover top left.Also follow all the ‘make money’ links on the left-hand side of this page. They will help you find easy ways make money online regardless of your background, age or experience. Decide which type of business is right for you and your situation. There are also free articles about working from home and making money online to help you too.Think about this:What would it do for your lifestyle if you could double your current income, or triple it over the next couple of years? Or sooner. Do you want to kick in the day job and work from home, & make money online full-time? Imagine the freedom and flexibility - no more 9-5 because working online from home full-time doesn’t mean 9-5! You choose the hours. No more commuting. How would that feel? Choose how much holiday you want (no chance of that in a job). Earn what you are worth, not what someone else decides you are worth. I do!
Live where you want - anywhere in the world! When you are up and running with your business and successfully making money online, your home can be wherever you want it to be! And what about retirement? When will you retire if you keep on doing just the day job?
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There are people making 6 figure incomes every month online, let alone every year. And you just need to follow what they do! It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but you probably have much more chance to get rich by making money online over the coming months and years, than by having a 9-5 job. Good Luck with using ways to make money online. Jo. Go from Ways to make money online to 4 proven ways to make money online.
Here are some easy ways to make money, if you like writing.
(I probably should have said simple ways to make money, rather than easy ways to make money, because there is a difference between simple and easy. But who cares, this is about how to make easy money quickly).
1. Make easy money online naming domains. The original idea comes from Dane Carson’s blog. While you can earn money as a contributor for services such as PickyDomains.Com, here is a better idea. Go to Google or any other search engine, find sucky domain names and contact their owners directly, offering them your services. The key to success is to make it 100% risk free. Inform your prospective clients that you’ll accept money only if they like your domain name. If you come up with one approved domain name a day and charge what PickyDomain charges, you can make $1500 a month. Another twist – come up with cool domain names, like SiteToRemember.Com or ItsMe.Com, register them yourself and sell them on the aftermarket.
2. eBay arbitrage. A lot of people like buying stuff on eBay, because it’s cheap. And some people never buy on eBay, because they are afraid of being ripped off. Here is your solution to making easy money on eBay. Go to Craigslist.Com and see what items people buy and sell most often. Look at prices. Then go to eBay and see, if you can get it cheaper. Once you find your niche, you can buy things on eBay (or better yet, act as a representative for an eBay powerseller) and sell them for a profit using local classifieds and Craigslist. You can do this online as well. Set up a proxy store, and when you get an order, simply buy the same item on eBay for less, substituting shipping address from your own to that of your buyer.
3. eBay copywriting. If you are good at copywriting, go to eBay and look for highticket items, like boats. Find auctions with totally sucky descriptions. Contact an owner and inform him or her that good description of his or her item is likely to increase the chances of that item being sold. Then offer your services for a 1% of the selling price. You can use free eBay software
4. Get Paid Writing Reviews. This idea comes from a blog called Business Ideas That Work. A site called SoftwareJudge.Com pays up to 50 dollars per good review. However, if you are good at reviewing software, you can do this on your own. Go to CNET or any other site that lists software. Find sites that don’t have any reviews or testimonials. Contact developers directly, offering them your review services. Good reviews and testimonials increases sales, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties convincing developers that they need your services. And you get free software and games too! Oh, and you don't have to limit yourself to software alone.
5. Social Bookmark Whoring (oops, I meant to say PR). This is really easy money online. RedDit and Digg can bring a crapload of traffic. And traffic means money. If you have experience creating linkbate titles and getting to the top, why not offer your services? Say, you charge 10 dollars for submitting news to RedDit, Digg, StumbleUpon, Furl, NewsVine, Fark and all the other social bookmarting sites. The key is to work only with interesting stories, so you don’t become a spammer. 10 news a day and you are 100 dollars richer. You can probably work out a deal with online PR agencies, because they are totally clueless about this.
6. Writing Google AdWords Ads. Every time I see “Cake Icing. Used And New. eBay.Com” type ads or “Four best sites on killing your wife”, it makes me wonder. Aren’t there any GOOD AdWords ads copywriters? Look’s like a great job to me. The ads are only three lines long and if you charge 10 bucks per ad, you can make a lot of money. And the customers are easy to find, too. Just look at all these terrible ads that Google displays on their search engine and contextual network.
7. Wacky blogs. Steve Pavlina gets over 300 dollars a day from AdSense alone, writing on wacky topics, like polyphasic sleep, astral projection and psychic development. Or take David Icke, who claims that president Bush in an alien and a reptilian. Your blog doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be interesting.
8. Blog whoring. There are a number of services, like PayPerPost.Com, that pay for promotional blogposts. Once again, you can do the same thing, cutting the middleman out.
9. Unique Personal Ads. Write memorable personal ads for online daters. Most personal ads suck. “Hi, my name is Bambie, I’m a Vergo, I’m 19 and I love dogs.” Here is my favorite personal ad. If people pay for resume writing, they might pay for a great personal ad.
10. Poet For Hire. This is nothing new. Still, if you love writing poetry, why not make some money with your rhymes.
11. Don’t EVEN THINK about majoring in English, Medieval Literature, Journalism or GET A REAL JOB, IF YOU WERE DUMB ENOUGH TO DO SO. Just kidding. If you love writing, just write, and the money will follow.
Who Is Shawn Casey? Is He For Real?Urgently Need Cool Domain Name Ideas, Will Pay For Your Suggestions
How One New Yorker Makes $100,000 A Year Uploading CDs To iPods For Other People
Copywriter: A Life of Making Ads and Other Mistakes
The Online Copywriter's Handbook : Everything You Need to Know to Write Electronic Copy That Sells
1. Make easy money online naming domains. The original idea comes from Dane Carson’s blog. While you can earn money as a contributor for services such as PickyDomains.Com, here is a better idea. Go to Google or any other search engine, find sucky domain names and contact their owners directly, offering them your services. The key to success is to make it 100% risk free. Inform your prospective clients that you’ll accept money only if they like your domain name. If you come up with one approved domain name a day and charge what PickyDomain charges, you can make $1500 a month. Another twist – come up with cool domain names, like SiteToRemember.Com or ItsMe.Com, register them yourself and sell them on the aftermarket.
2. eBay arbitrage. A lot of people like buying stuff on eBay, because it’s cheap. And some people never buy on eBay, because they are afraid of being ripped off. Here is your solution to making easy money on eBay. Go to Craigslist.Com and see what items people buy and sell most often. Look at prices. Then go to eBay and see, if you can get it cheaper. Once you find your niche, you can buy things on eBay (or better yet, act as a representative for an eBay powerseller) and sell them for a profit using local classifieds and Craigslist. You can do this online as well. Set up a proxy store, and when you get an order, simply buy the same item on eBay for less, substituting shipping address from your own to that of your buyer.
3. eBay copywriting. If you are good at copywriting, go to eBay and look for highticket items, like boats. Find auctions with totally sucky descriptions. Contact an owner and inform him or her that good description of his or her item is likely to increase the chances of that item being sold. Then offer your services for a 1% of the selling price. You can use free eBay software
4. Get Paid Writing Reviews. This idea comes from a blog called Business Ideas That Work. A site called SoftwareJudge.Com pays up to 50 dollars per good review. However, if you are good at reviewing software, you can do this on your own. Go to CNET or any other site that lists software. Find sites that don’t have any reviews or testimonials. Contact developers directly, offering them your review services. Good reviews and testimonials increases sales, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties convincing developers that they need your services. And you get free software and games too! Oh, and you don't have to limit yourself to software alone.
5. Social Bookmark Whoring (oops, I meant to say PR). This is really easy money online. RedDit and Digg can bring a crapload of traffic. And traffic means money. If you have experience creating linkbate titles and getting to the top, why not offer your services? Say, you charge 10 dollars for submitting news to RedDit, Digg, StumbleUpon, Furl, NewsVine, Fark and all the other social bookmarting sites. The key is to work only with interesting stories, so you don’t become a spammer. 10 news a day and you are 100 dollars richer. You can probably work out a deal with online PR agencies, because they are totally clueless about this.
6. Writing Google AdWords Ads. Every time I see “Cake Icing. Used And New. eBay.Com” type ads or “Four best sites on killing your wife”, it makes me wonder. Aren’t there any GOOD AdWords ads copywriters? Look’s like a great job to me. The ads are only three lines long and if you charge 10 bucks per ad, you can make a lot of money. And the customers are easy to find, too. Just look at all these terrible ads that Google displays on their search engine and contextual network.
7. Wacky blogs. Steve Pavlina gets over 300 dollars a day from AdSense alone, writing on wacky topics, like polyphasic sleep, astral projection and psychic development. Or take David Icke, who claims that president Bush in an alien and a reptilian. Your blog doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be interesting.
8. Blog whoring. There are a number of services, like PayPerPost.Com, that pay for promotional blogposts. Once again, you can do the same thing, cutting the middleman out.
9. Unique Personal Ads. Write memorable personal ads for online daters. Most personal ads suck. “Hi, my name is Bambie, I’m a Vergo, I’m 19 and I love dogs.” Here is my favorite personal ad. If people pay for resume writing, they might pay for a great personal ad.
10. Poet For Hire. This is nothing new. Still, if you love writing poetry, why not make some money with your rhymes.
11. Don’t EVEN THINK about majoring in English, Medieval Literature, Journalism or GET A REAL JOB, IF YOU WERE DUMB ENOUGH TO DO SO. Just kidding. If you love writing, just write, and the money will follow.
Who Is Shawn Casey? Is He For Real?Urgently Need Cool Domain Name Ideas, Will Pay For Your Suggestions
How One New Yorker Makes $100,000 A Year Uploading CDs To iPods For Other People
Copywriter: A Life of Making Ads and Other Mistakes
The Online Copywriter's Handbook : Everything You Need to Know to Write Electronic Copy That Sells
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Free eBooks: Make Money Online CoursesThese are free money making courses contain the step-by-step money making ideas of the top internet marketing expert to help you make money online. Learn them by heart and you will succeed.
Making Money With Online Affiliate MarketingThis money making idea will teach how to make money online without having your own products or services. You will discover how most of the internet marketer make money at home.
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Work At Home With Make Money Online in BlogThis blog will teach you how to make blog from identifying your niche to making money online. With blog, you can work at home, part-time or full-time.
To make money online, with web site or blog, learn how to start your own web site and/or make blog from identifying your niche up to monetization. Learn how to make content-rich web pages. Then, know how to drive huge web site traffic from top search engines for free thru search engine optimization of web page title, meta tags, headline, body copy, images, and links. And, how to have more visitors from the top free web traffic sources.
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Free eBooks: Make Money Online CoursesThese are free money making courses contain the step-by-step money making ideas of the top internet marketing expert to help you make money online. Learn them by heart and you will succeed.
Making Money With Online Affiliate MarketingThis money making idea will teach how to make money online without having your own products or services. You will discover how most of the internet marketer make money at home.
Start Making Money With Your Own WebsiteStart your own web site and you can make money online in easy way. Discover how to build a successful web site.
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Easy Money Making Ideas That Make MoneyDiscover the easy money making ideas to build multiple income streams. You may try making money with these easy money making models.
Make Money With Resell Rights Products OnlineAnother way to make money online is to sell resell rights products. Discover how can resell rights products help you make money online in easy way.
Work At Home With Make Money Online in BlogThis blog will teach you how to make blog from identifying your niche to making money online. With blog, you can work at home, part-time or full-time.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
listkan brand atau produk yg secara langsung atau tidak langsung bersangkut paut dengan USA dan Israel...
Syarikat : Phillip Morris
Produk : Rokok dan Makanan
Jenama : Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Winston, Gold Coast, Merit, Parliament, Alpine, Basic, Cambridge, Bristol, Bucks, Chesterfield, Collector's Choice, Commander, English Ovals, Lark, L&M, Players and Saratoga, Philadelphia, Polo, Milka, Malabar, Marabou, Prince
Syarikat : Coca-Cola - McDonalds - Burger King - Pizza Hut - KFC
Produk : Minuman
Jenama : Light Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Canada Dry, Crush, Schweppes, Minute Maid, Nestea, Dr. Pepper
Syarikat : Nestle
Jenama : Kit Kat, Perrier, Libby, Nescafe, Maggi, Buitoni, Nestea, Friskies, Vittel, Pure Life, Nido, Smarties, Lion, Polo, After Eight, Coffee Mate, Nesquik, Aero, Quality Street, Felix (cat food), Crosse & Blackwell, Milkmaid, Carnation, Shreddies, Baci Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Milkybar, Frutips
Syarikat : Disney
Produk : Disneyland, Euro-Disney, Jenama Disney, Kartun
Syarikat : Delta Galil Industries Ltd.
Produk : Pasaraya, Pakaian dan Kasut
Jenama : JC Penney , Carrefour, Nike, Reebok, Converse, Calvin Klein, Gap, Boss, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Bauer, Wrangler, Dim, Old Navy Dockers, Celio, J. Crew , Caterpillar, Lou Riders, Pryca
Syarikat : Nokia
Produk : Telekomunikasi
Syarikat : Danone
Produk : Makanan, minuman dan biskut Jenama : Evian, Alpina, LU Biscuits, Tuc, Volvic, Strauss dairy, Jacob biscuits, Danone yogourt, HP foods, LEA & PERRINS, Sant, Galbani, Danao, Danette
Syarikat : Johnson & Johnson
Produk : Kesihatan
Syarikat : Revlon
Produk : Kosmetik
Syarikat : AOL Time Warner Produk Media Elektronik dan Cetak
Jenama : ICQ, Warner Bros, CNN, AOL, Times magazine
Syarikat : L'Oreal
Jenama : Giorgio Armani, Lancome, Biotherm, Garnier, Helena Rubinstein, Donna Karan, Vichy, Cacharel, Maybelline, Redken, La roche-posay, Carson
Syarikat : Intel
Produk : Perkakasan komputer
Syarikat : Estee Lauder
Jenama : Clinique, Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, Aramis, Origins, Ko Malone, La Mer, Prescriptives, Bobbi Brown Essentials, Aveda, Jane, MAC Cosmetics, Kate Spade, Fragrances, Stila
Syarikat : News Corporation
Produk : 20th Century Fox, Star, SKY, New York Post, National Geographic Channel, News of the World, The Times, The Sun, Nursery World, The weekly Standard, Daily Telegraph, Harper Collins
Syarikat : Kimberly-Clark
Produk : Huggies, Kotex, Kleenex, Scott, ANDREX products Freedom, Scottex
Syarikat : Procter and Gamble
Produk : Kesihatan, sabun, syampu
Jenama : Head & Shoulders, Pert Plus, Pentain, Always, Tide, Crest, Pampers, Lux, Palmolive, Camay, Zest, Ariel, Fairy, Signal 2, close up, Monsieur Propre, Oil of Olaz, Petrol Hahn, Pringles, Sanicroix, Tampax, Tempo, Vicks, Vizir, Yes Swiffer, Ace, Action500, Bonux, Mr Clean MARS INC - Bounty, M&M's, Mars, Snickers, Twix, Uncle Ben's, Whiskas, Pedigree, Balisto, Brebbies HASBRO - Parker, Pokemon, Star Wars, Episode I, Monopoly, Brothers, MB, Playskool, Tiger GILETTE - Braun, Duracell, Gillette, Oral-B, Paper-Mate, Parker, Waterman COLGATE PALMOLIVE - Ajax, Palmolive, Tahiti, Axion, Bingo, Fabe, Felire, La croix, Mennen, Murphy, Paic Haagen Dazs, Ben & Jerry, CAMPBELL, Kellogg's, Canderel, Levi's, Raid, Heinz
Syarikat : Phillip Morris
Produk : Rokok dan Makanan
Jenama : Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Winston, Gold Coast, Merit, Parliament, Alpine, Basic, Cambridge, Bristol, Bucks, Chesterfield, Collector's Choice, Commander, English Ovals, Lark, L&M, Players and Saratoga, Philadelphia, Polo, Milka, Malabar, Marabou, Prince
Syarikat : Coca-Cola - McDonalds - Burger King - Pizza Hut - KFC
Produk : Minuman
Jenama : Light Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Canada Dry, Crush, Schweppes, Minute Maid, Nestea, Dr. Pepper
Syarikat : Nestle
Jenama : Kit Kat, Perrier, Libby, Nescafe, Maggi, Buitoni, Nestea, Friskies, Vittel, Pure Life, Nido, Smarties, Lion, Polo, After Eight, Coffee Mate, Nesquik, Aero, Quality Street, Felix (cat food), Crosse & Blackwell, Milkmaid, Carnation, Shreddies, Baci Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Milkybar, Frutips
Syarikat : Disney
Produk : Disneyland, Euro-Disney, Jenama Disney, Kartun
Syarikat : Delta Galil Industries Ltd.
Produk : Pasaraya, Pakaian dan Kasut
Jenama : JC Penney , Carrefour, Nike, Reebok, Converse, Calvin Klein, Gap, Boss, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Bauer, Wrangler, Dim, Old Navy Dockers, Celio, J. Crew , Caterpillar, Lou Riders, Pryca
Syarikat : Nokia
Produk : Telekomunikasi
Syarikat : Danone
Produk : Makanan, minuman dan biskut Jenama : Evian, Alpina, LU Biscuits, Tuc, Volvic, Strauss dairy, Jacob biscuits, Danone yogourt, HP foods, LEA & PERRINS, Sant, Galbani, Danao, Danette
Syarikat : Johnson & Johnson
Produk : Kesihatan
Syarikat : Revlon
Produk : Kosmetik
Syarikat : AOL Time Warner Produk Media Elektronik dan Cetak
Jenama : ICQ, Warner Bros, CNN, AOL, Times magazine
Syarikat : L'Oreal
Jenama : Giorgio Armani, Lancome, Biotherm, Garnier, Helena Rubinstein, Donna Karan, Vichy, Cacharel, Maybelline, Redken, La roche-posay, Carson
Syarikat : Intel
Produk : Perkakasan komputer
Syarikat : Estee Lauder
Jenama : Clinique, Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, Aramis, Origins, Ko Malone, La Mer, Prescriptives, Bobbi Brown Essentials, Aveda, Jane, MAC Cosmetics, Kate Spade, Fragrances, Stila
Syarikat : News Corporation
Produk : 20th Century Fox, Star, SKY, New York Post, National Geographic Channel, News of the World, The Times, The Sun, Nursery World, The weekly Standard, Daily Telegraph, Harper Collins
Syarikat : Kimberly-Clark
Produk : Huggies, Kotex, Kleenex, Scott, ANDREX products Freedom, Scottex
Syarikat : Procter and Gamble
Produk : Kesihatan, sabun, syampu
Jenama : Head & Shoulders, Pert Plus, Pentain, Always, Tide, Crest, Pampers, Lux, Palmolive, Camay, Zest, Ariel, Fairy, Signal 2, close up, Monsieur Propre, Oil of Olaz, Petrol Hahn, Pringles, Sanicroix, Tampax, Tempo, Vicks, Vizir, Yes Swiffer, Ace, Action500, Bonux, Mr Clean MARS INC - Bounty, M&M's, Mars, Snickers, Twix, Uncle Ben's, Whiskas, Pedigree, Balisto, Brebbies HASBRO - Parker, Pokemon, Star Wars, Episode I, Monopoly, Brothers, MB, Playskool, Tiger GILETTE - Braun, Duracell, Gillette, Oral-B, Paper-Mate, Parker, Waterman COLGATE PALMOLIVE - Ajax, Palmolive, Tahiti, Axion, Bingo, Fabe, Felire, La croix, Mennen, Murphy, Paic Haagen Dazs, Ben & Jerry, CAMPBELL, Kellogg's, Canderel, Levi's, Raid, Heinz
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